Saturday, September 27, 2008

Aluminum is found virtually in all Antiperspirants -but not in all Deodorants

Hi friends, I knew that many of you don't like to deal with this topic. But, I can’t in good conscience keep this information to myself when I know that so many of you are unaware of this.

Get up right now and go grab your deodorant, and bring it back. Now look at the ingredients. Is any aluminum ingredient listed? If yes, throw it out. Aluminum has no place inside the human body, and is linked to Alzeimer’s and breast cancer.You will have no problem finding a Deodorant that is aluminum free. You will however have a problem finding an antiperspirant without aluminum, because aluminum is the magical molecule that embeds itself into your pores, corking up your sweat glands, and eventually absorbing into your blood stream. Hence the name “anti-perspirant” -it actually stops you from sweating by blocking the gland. So, skip right to the health consequences of putting aluminum into your blood stream and save yourself from CANCER...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Even cell phones need a hug sometimes

Does this topic sound crazy? But this is true.Actually I am morally opposed to pink gadgets, but I might have to make an exception for the BIG HUG ADHESIEVE CELL PHONE HOLDER

This little dose of silliness cradles the phone in its giant pink/purple rubber palms and could prove quite handy for those of us who fritter away too much time hunting down our misplaced phones. The plastic holder has an adhesive backing that can stick to any surface (windshield, dashboard, desk, wall, back, forehead), and it promises to protect your phone from scratches while it's keeping it in your sights.

The gadget sells online for $3.99, with a $5 shipping fee, weighs just less than 3 ounces, and measures about 3.9 inches by 1.5 inches by three-quarters of an inch. Alas, that means some thicker phones, like PDAs and smart phones, will have to look for affection elsewhere...[:P]